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Camp Live Oak
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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3109 East Sunrise Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304

2300 East Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 207
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

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TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): American Camp Association.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: ACA accredited children's day camp offered at three beautiful state parks. Outdoor environmental camp includes hands on science, canoeing, archery, fishing, arts and crafts, surfing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, field trips and full immersion Spanish camp for ages 5 – 13. Teen Eco Experience, ages 14-16. Science of the Seas Camp at Mizell-Johnson State Park, ages 5 – 13. Van service available. Counselors are certified teachers. Weekly & Session rates, Sibling, and Early Bird discounts available. Healthy Lunch available.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Waterfront/Aquatics, Science, Academics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Scuba Camp, Teen Program, Lil Sprouts (3 & 4 Yr Olds)

CAMP LOCATION: 2 Locations in South Florida:

Camp Live Oak Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, A1A & Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, 954-563-4880. A short walk from beachside shops and condominiums, this park is an oasis of tropical hammocks-a gift from Hugh Taylor Birch to Florida's posterity. His former estate preserves four distinct natural communities, nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway.

Mizell-Johnson State Park, 6503 N. Ocean Dr., Dania Beach, 33004, 954-563-4880. Surf fishing, canoeing, swimming, nature study, boating, and picnicking will keep the whole family busy. For those interested in South Florida's underwater beauty, Lloyd Beach has one of the easiest and most interesting shore dives in the area. The park has two boat ramps with easy access to the ocean through the Port Everglades Inlet, which will please those who prefer to fish in open water. The mangrove-lined waterway is a scenic place to canoe, observe bird life, and take photographs. Located off A1A in the City of Hollywood.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Live Oak is a children's day camp working in a cooperative effort with Florida’s State Park System to provide an environmental experience. We offer a unique opportunity for kids to experience the wonder and joy of curiosity, discovery and new knowledge in regards to nature in general and unique ecosystems in the Ft. Lauderdale and Dania beach.

In addition to our wonderful summer camp programs, we offer winter and spring camp experiences. Exciting adventures include hands-on marine and environmental science programs, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, media/photography program, archery, hiking, mountain biking, surfing, photography, paddle boarding, sports, kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving camp (Ft. Lauderdale location only), pottery, arts and crafts, field trips, onsite special weekly activities (rock wall, water slides) Teen travel trips to the Florida Keys and much more!

We are proud of the fact that Camp Live Oak is one of only a few American Camping Association (ACA) accredited camps in Broward county for the past 25 years. We meet and often exceed over 300 standards of health and safety, programming, staffing and accountability set by ACA and meet the ideal adult/camper ratio of 5 to 1. Our staff is comprised of highly qualified and certified teachers, counselors, specialists, scientists, state guides, ecologists, environmentalists, and water safety instructors, which ensures your child will be safe and well cared for. Bus service available. Weekly & session rate options with sibling discounts. South Florida Parenting Magazine Kids Crown Award -Best Summer Camp, Best Environmental Camp 2002,2007,2008 Broward Family Life Favorite Summer Camp Award 2014, 2015, 2016

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: This teen program features wide variety of activities and fantastic field trips that your teen is sure to love! We offer a multitude of different programs which are flexible with your teens busy summer schedule. The teen summer program is now a weekly program. Register for 3 weeks (regular weeks) or more and receive a Multiweek discount! Discount does not apply to any of the Specialty weeks, including Ocean Quest.

Weekly Options all Summer Long! – Teens can participate in weekly programs all summer long. This program will be a combination of volunteer work within the assigned cabin groups and activities or field trips designed specifically for teens. Teens will be assigned to a camper group (ages 5 – 9) which they will work alongside certified teachers and college students guiding campers through a series of outdoor activities. The time that they work with the groups they earn community service hours for high school. In addition, they will come together with the Teen Eco coordinator and participate in a variety of activities or field trips.

Please visit our website for full details and rates.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp Live Oak allows your child to explore the world around them here in South Florida, enjoying the many aspects of our beautiful environment! Each Camp Live Oak session and week is centered around a theme, with activities and programs built around that theme. Understanding the local natural environment and developing a respect and stewardship for that environment is vital to our program. The integration of science and art into each week allows for creativity and enthusiasm for learning and doing.

Campers enjoy swimming, canoeing, science, kayaking, arts and crafts, sports, surfing, fishing, paddle boarding and archery every week that they are at camp, with different activities rotating on various days. Exciting and educational field trips, guest speakers and specialty programs are scheduled regularly to give your child an extremely well rounded day camp experience!

Remember, you may register for as many, or as few, weeks as you’d like, there is no minimum number of weeks.

We highly recommend children attend for at least two weeks so they are able to have a full camp experience, but we are flexible as we know your summer schedule may be full of fun activities.

Have a child that is 14 – 16 years of age? Check out our Teen Eco Experience, specially designed for high school age campers. This program combines community service hours as well as fun group activities, day field trips, overnight travel excursions throughout Florida and more!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Offer single fun camp days during Broward county school days off.

Please see our website for detailed information and registration, at: Our Camp Website Link:

Positions Available: Lifeguards/Paddleboard/Surfing Instructors Teen Eco Leader, Mt. Biking Instructors, Science Teachers (Dania Beach location only) Art Teachers (Ft. Lauderdale only) Head Counselors/Substitute Teachers/Jr. Counseling staff - Both locations (Ft. Lauderdale/Dania).

Please visit our website for detailed descriptions at Our Camp Website Link:

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