Top Leadership Summer Camps and Summer Leadership Programs for Kids & Teens in Oregon

Best Oregon Leadership Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Leadership Camps in Oregon!

Over 10 Oregon Leadership Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Oregon Leadership Camps in 2025
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Winter Leadership Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Oregon are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Oregon Leadership Camps offer Winter Leadership Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Leadership Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Leadership Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Leadership Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Oregon Winter Leadership Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Oregon Leadership Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Oregon Day Leadership Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Oregon Year-Round
Leadership Camps, Classes & Leadership Programs

Many of our Best Oregon Summer Leadership Camps also offer Year Round Leadership Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Leadership Programs, too.

Best Oregon Winter Leadership Camp Jobs

Searching for Oregon Leadership Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Leadership Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL OR Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Leadership Camps in the Northwest are here in Oregon.



Camp Lantern Creek
Montgomery, Texas

Ages: 7 - 17 . All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: While summer might look a little different this year, Camp Lantern Creek promises it will continue to bring the Creeker spirit to our campers and families this summer! CLC Unique, our virtual camp option, will begin on June 22, and will consist of week-long sessions that will offer one-of-a-kind programs unique to each session. Through our virtual programming, we will create memories with our new and seasoned Creekers, virtually.

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

Big Lake Youth Camp
Sisters, OR

Visit Our Big Lake Youth Camp Website
Camp Office Phone: (503) 850-3562
Business Office Phone: (503) 850-3583
Business Office Fax: (503) 850-3483

26435 Big Lake Rd
Sisters, OR 97759

Big Lake Youth Camp Office
19800 Oatfield Rd.
Gladstone, OR 97027

Watch Our Big Lake Youth Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 7-day residential camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Building relationships, learning new skills, and having fun in a positive environment has been Big Lake Youth Camp's goal since 1962. Each summer our carefully selected staff lead hundreds of young people on a seven-day journey of adventure. A week at Big Lake provides campers with the environment and the opportunity to gain better self-awareness, set and achieve goals, and have a blast. Our Christ-centered program illustrates that faith in action is fun!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Abba's Child Grief Recovery Camp:
Big Lake offers a camp with support-based counseling for children ages 7 to 17 who have experienced the death of an immediate family member. This loss can be overwhelming for anyone and kids need to know that they are not alone as they deal with new and sometimes scary feelings. Abba’s Child in many ways is a typical summer camp offering a wide variety of supervised activities. From swimming, canoeing, and the “Sea Wolf”, to archery, horseback riding, and sports – there is fun and adventure throughout the day. Two hour support group sessions are scheduled daily for children to interact with peers who are facing similar loss. Art, crafts, music, story telling, writing, and games are designed to assist with the healing process. Afternoons and evenings are spent rotating through an awesome array of camp activities.

Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
BMX Biking
Digital Photography
Mountain Biking
Rock Climbing
Survival Adventure
White Water Rafting

CAMP LOCATION: Big Lake is located 20 miles from Sisters, Oregon on a beautiful 250-acre lake at the base of Mt. Washington.

CAMP FACILITIES: Big Lake Youth Camp's lakefront property is a pristine and convenient location for activities of all types. Just steps from our Lodge is the lake where campers get to experience aquatic activities such as waterskiing, wakeboarding, swimming, canoeing and much more! An archery range, ball field and horse corral are tucked away among the many fir trees that surround the Camp. Our over 20 rustic A-frame cabins provide a comfortable place to rest after a day of outdoor adventure.

REGular Camps are the core of what we do. Imagine seven action packed days of fun and learning at our main camp on the shores of Big Lake. Days are filled with excitement, challenge, reflection and loads of friends, both new and old. Campers experience the best of what Big Lake has done for over 50 years … creating fun and building kids. REG Campers sign up for a primary activity they focus on each morning, Monday-Friday, and they rotate with their cabin mates through the other activities we offer each afternoon.

RAD Camps:
For those seeking extra moments of awesomeness, RAD Camps go beyond our REG Camp program, offering you both an on and off-site experience. Sign up for a RAD Camp and spend all day doing what you love! With your mornings and afternoons spent conquering your RAD Camp of choice, you are sure to learn some great new skills. Whether it’s on water, wheel, stone, or stallion, you’re in for an intense week of fun! RAD Camps are for teenagers 13-17 years of age.

Adventure Camp:
This REG Camps is designed to introduce younger children into the world of summer camping. Adventure camp offers a slower pace and the week is a little shorter. Adventure campers get a taste of everything Big Lake is about. Instead of selecting one primary activity, your camper will get to try them all!

Abba's Child:
This free week of camp is specifically designed for kids who have experienced the death of an immediate family member in the recent past. Abba’s Child campers get to hang out with other kids who know what they are going through, participate in support-based counseling, and get to experience many of the awesome activities Big Lake offers. Whether you would like to nominate someone to attend, or donate to keep this camp going, we’d love to hear from you. Our goal for Abba's Child is to offer a place where kids can meet others experiencing similar emotions, receive accepting support from professionals, and have a blast at camp.

Big Lake Youth Camp's RAD to Staff program is designed specifically for teens ages 15-17. As a RAD to Staff camper, teens are given special leadership training while experiencing one of our awesome RAD Camp activities alongside fellow campers. Through mentorship with a Big Lake Youth Camp staff member, RAD to Staff campers will develop valuable leadership skills and knowledge. Upon successful completion of the RAD to Staff program, campers will be given a certificate of achievement. If you are interested in working at Big Lake Youth Camp someday, participation in this program is recommended because it helps you see what it takes to work at Big Lake and it allows our staff to get to know you in a unique and important way.

Counselor in Training (CIT):
As a Counselor in Training you will be assigned to assist one of our amazing Big Lake counselors with their cabin of 7-9 year old campers. This camp will give you the incredible opportunity to observe and experience first-hand what is involved in being a camp counselor. The focus of this camp is learning what it takes to be a staff member in charge of supervising campers. We hope as a CIT you will learn skills that can be used throughout your life and enable you to work more effectively with children.

Staff in Training (SIT):
As a SUT you will have the opportunity to observe and try out a number of staff positions including instructor of land activities (examples: art, digital photography, drama, survival adventures), instructor of water activities (examples: swimming, canoeing, waterskiing), office/headquarters staff and maintenance staff. SITs are not able to observe camp counselors. Please sign up for the CIT camp if you would like to experience being a counselor. SIT campers are asked what type of job they are interested in, and they are able to try it out! We hope this camp will help you learn life skills such as organization, work ethic, personability, and effective child communication. Have fun while you work side by side with Big Lake staff as your mentors.

Wrangler in Training (WIT):
Experience the fun of camp while learning what it would be like to work at Big Lake! As a Wrangler in Training you will have the opportunity to shadow and work with Big Lake’s awesome wranglers and beautiful horses. You will be able to assist Big Lake’s wranglers as they teach campers in our horsemanship program. If you are passionate about horses and are interested in working at Big Lake someday, this camp is a great fit for you because it allows our staff to get to know you and your skills! Please note that some basic horse experience is required for this camp.

*NOTE: Participation in the RAD to Staff, CIT, SIT and WIT programs does not guarantee a future position as a Big Lake Staff Member. However, participation is encouraged if you are interested in working at Big Lake Youth Camp because it helps you understand what it is like to work at Camp, it demonstrates your interest in working at Camp and it allows Big Lake's staff to get to know you and observe your skills and work ethic.

Kids come first at Big Lake and we believe no child should be turned away due to financial need. Our Campership Fund, made possible through donations, is available to families seeking financial assistance. Those who qualify to receive a Campership Scholarship can attend one of our REG Camps, including Adventure Camp, for a discounted price. Funds are limited, so please apply early.

Family Camp is a great and affordable way to enjoy nature, experience outdoor activities, and reconnect with your family. Get the total camp experience without the stress of organizing activities or cooking meals. Stay in one of our A-frame cabins and enjoy awesome activities on our main campus such as waterskiing, canoeing, archery, art, horsemanship and more at this 5-day camp.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Big Lake Youth Camp rents to the public mid-September to mid-November and mid-December through the first weekend in April. We do not rent to the public April-August as we run our own summer camp program. Please visit our rentals page at Our Camp Website Link: and send us an email if you have questions.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Building relationships, learning new skills, and having fun in a positive environment has been Big Lake's goal since 1962. Each summer our carefully selected staff lead hundreds of young people on a seven-day journey of adventure. A week at Big Lake provides campers with the environment and the opportunity to gain better self-awareness, set and achieve goals, and have a blast. Our Christ-centered program illustrates that faith in action is fun!

Big Lake Youth Camp operates under a special use permit with the Willamette National Forest and is an equal opportunity outdoor recreation service provider. Big Lake Youth Camp strives to operate in a professional way and is held accountable in this goal through its membership in the Association of Adventist Camp Professionals (AACP), Christian Camp & Conference Association (CCCA), and its accreditation by the American Camping Association (ACA).

For session dates and fees please visit our website: Our Camp Website Link:

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Big Lake Youth Camp

There are 10 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

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Oregon Leadership Camps

Be sure to ask each Oregon Leadership Camp about the amount of leadership instruction and the overall intensity of their leadership program.

Some Top Oregon Leadership Camps offer rigorous daily leadership training and lots of intensive leadership experience. Other great Oregon Camps offer leadership as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY Oregon Leadership Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Oregon Leadership Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Leadership Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Camp Two Roads
Yamhill, Oregon

Visit Our Camp Two Roads Website
19651 NW Old Railroad Grade Rd
Yamhill, Oregon 97148

1751 SW Orchard Pl
Gresham, Or 97080

Watch Our Camp Two Roads Video

CAMPER AGES: Grade 3-12

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Two Roads is a week long overnight camp offering high ropes challenges, ziplines, canoeing, crafts and more. We empower young women to be confident in outdoor skills and personal relationships and to boldly embrace challenge. She will simply shine at being herself.⁠

Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Science, Technology, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Outdoor Cooking
Survival Skills
Challenge Course

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Two Roads believes that outdoor happiness deepens awareness, kinship and adventure. We strive to provide the tools necessary to empower young women to be confident leaders both in the outdoors and within their communities. We work to broaden their horizon of possibilities so that they have the courage and ability to blaze their own roads in life.

Having served as senior staff for camp programs with Outdoor School, Campfire and Girl Scouts, our directors have decades of experience developing the leadership capabilities of young teen leaders. Campers thrive under the strengthened leadership model as teen leaders take on more and more of a leadership role at camp.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our oldest campers have the option to be our youngest level of leadership. While enjoying the majority of the week as a camper, they will also work with senior staff to ensure a successful week of camp for younger campers. They will participate in leadership training with Senior Staff and their Cabin Counselors.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Two Roads provides several options for confidential assistance (or “Camperships”) for financial support to attend camp. Camperships are awarded as full or partial credit for camp fees only.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Weekend Camp - Adventure Together - Spring Weekend event: This is a fun weekend away where campers bring an adult – to share in our awesome camp fun – including sleeping in your very own cabin together.

Preview the site we use at Camp Yamhill, learn a new skill or just enjoy being out in nature for the weekend.

Please see our website for current programming dates and fees.

Please see our website for current programming details.

Cabin Counselor positions are available. Please see our website for details - Our Camp Website Link: or email us at c2r[AT]

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Camp Two Roads

There are 9 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Leadership Camps in OR
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Oregon Leadership Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Oregon Leadership Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

Summer Art Camps and Workshops
Online Camp Fremont, California

Visit Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Website
510-353-0860 or 925-353-2877
43319 Mission Blvd
Fremont, California 94539

Ichen Art Academy, Fremont School
43319 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539

Ichen Art Academy, Pleasanton School
4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton CA 94588

Watch Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Video

CAMPER AGES: Art Camps (5-8), Digital Illustration(9+), Workshops(11+)

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online. Weekly summer art camps and workshops and weekend art classes

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Both online and in-person art camps for ages 5-9.
Digital Illustration online camps for ages 9+;
Art workshops for ages 11+.

Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: 4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton, CA 94588

We also have over 100+ online summer art camps and workshops for K-12 students.

Please visit our Facebook webpage Our Camp Website Link: for camp photos for the past five years. You will be amazed by the high quality of our students artworks.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have both online art camps/workshops and in-person camps for our 2021 summer art program. Go to Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Becoming an Ichen Art Academy student means that you have the opportunity to learn from the best art school with a long proven record of success to develop your creativity, foundational skills and artistic talents that will propel you to reach your full potential.

Best Quality Art Program
Since its inception in 1997 (formerly known as Ichen Art Studio), Ichen Art Academy has been putting relentless focus on developing high-quality art programs, reflected through its students’ artworks and measured by its students’ achievements. Many of its art-major students have now gone on to renowned art colleges and most prestigious majors such as CalArt’s Character Animation, ArtCenter’s Entertainment Design and Rhode Island School of Design. Some art-major students from early years have found employments in high-tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Netflix. Similarly, its non-art-major students have been accepted by nation’s top universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and MIT with the help of submission of a strong supplemental art portfolio. By consistently winning large numbers of national level awards in art competitions, Ichen Art Academy students’ skill levels and artworks are among the best in every age group.

Systematic and Comprehensive K-12 Art Education
Ichen Art Academy offers systematic and comprehensive art education to K-12 students and adults. All of its instructors are highly accomplished artists with many years of teaching and industry experience. Currently the following programs are offered
(Click the respective link to view students' artworks from that age group):

--Children’s Creative Art (Ages 5 to 8)
--Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Ages 8+)
--Drawing and Sketch Level 1-Basic (Ages 8 to 10) Level 1 (Ages 10-11), 2 and 3 (Ages 12+)
--Oil Painting and Watercolor (Ages 12+)
--Digital Art for Beginner (Ages 9+), Intermediate and Advanced Levels (Ages 12+)
--Cartoon, Manga and Character Design (Ages 11+)
--AP Art Prep (Ages 14+)

Art Consultation Service for College Applications
The art counselor team at Ichen Art Academy specializes in helping art-major students prepare strong college art portfolios and apply for top art colleges and majors in the US. The team is also responsible for helping non-art-major students develop robust supplemental art portfolios for applying top private universities.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We partner with Youth Art Foundation, a non-profit organization to help our students develop leadership and utilize their art talents and skills to make positive contributions to their communities.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Ichen Art Academy provides comprehensive and systematic art education for K-12 students on a yearly basis. Please check our curriculum webpage for a detailed description:

Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Oil Painting, watercolor, Portrait/Figure Drawing, Illustration, Chinese Painting, Drawing and Sketching, AP Art Boot Camp, Open Studio, Fashion Design, UI/UX Design, Architectural and Interior Design, Animation and Game Design, Digital Art, Creative Comic Books, Manga and Anime, Cartoon and Character Design, Perspective Drawing, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling and much more.

Art Camps for kids ages 5-9:
Our Camp Website Link:

Digital Illustration Art Camp for ages 9+:
Our Camp Website Link:

Summer Art Workshops for ages 11+:
Our Camp Website Link:

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Summer Art Camps and Workshops

There are 8 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Camp Tilikum: Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries
Newberg, Oregon

Visit Our Camp Tilikum: Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries Website
(503) 538-2763 Fax: (503) 538-7536
15321 NE North Valley Road
Newberg, Oregon 97132

CAMPER AGES: Our summer camp grade range is entering 1st grade thru 12th grade; our retreat center is open to any age group.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Year-Round Retreats, Team-Building Experiences on our Challenge Course and Day Groups

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Tilikum's Illahee Retreat Center is an all-inclusive facility that includes your sleeping room, meeting room and dining room all in one building and on the same floor. We provide your group with a homemade family-style served meals where we can accommodate special medical diets. We have ample staff ready to assist you in having a great retreat or camp experience here at Tilikum.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Wrestling, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
Camp Tilikum Provides A Great School Field Trip Experience For A Day Or Overnight School/athletic Program As Well As Youth Organization & Church Retreats. Our Outdoor Recreation Includes Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Archery, Big Zipline, Big Swing, Little Zipline, Fishing & Hiking.

CAMP LOCATION: Located less than one hour from either Portland or Salem, Oregon, Camp Tilikum is an ideal location for an overnight retreat, daylong planning session, church outing, Home-School families, Senior Adults, parent/child retreats, high ropes and challenge course/team building, staff meeting or function, specialty multi-day program or conference or other non-profit event. Please visit our website to learn more about where we are, what we provide and how we can become a part of your families camping and retreat experience.

CAMP FACILITIES: Tilikum's Illahee Retreat Center provides hotel-style accommodations for up to 60 guests with comfortable meeting and dining rooms. Our rustic tent campsite, Northridge accommodates up to 56 guests in platform tents with a covered meeting area and amphitheater fire pit. We have a multipurpose building, the Fawver Center, which accommodates up to 125 guests in a variety of ways and includes a single-basketball court, Rock Wall and fire pit.

A Century-old Schoolhouse sits on top the hillside providing a great opportunity for teachers and children to explore and learn together, in an old-school setting. The 15-acre lake with the 93 acres provides groups with many outdoor recreation activities, customizable to meet your needs.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Tilikum differentiate ourselves by providing outstanding service, a serene setting and a safe environment. We are member of the American Camp Association and Christian Camp and Conference Association where policies, procedures and standards are implemented to ensure great programming and safety for everyone.

Each Challenge Course facilitator is carefully trained for leadership and safety on the challenge course, providing your group with the highest quality experiential adventure. All facilitators hold a current certification recognized by the Association for Challenge Course Technology. Our Camp Program Director thoroughly interviews and reviews references for each Summer Staff team member. They train altogether onsite for two-weeks to enhance the skills, learn new ones and form a unity amongst themselves which builds the wonderful Day Camp, and Adventure Camp programs that we have had for over 30 years.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Applications are accepted for Summer Staff,year-round. The recruiting process begins in January and hiring is finalized by Spring Break (late March). Contact our Camp Program Director, Mandy Schmidt for further details.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Tilikum's Camper Scholarships are provided by donations from Friends of Tilikum. Camper Scholarships applications can be requested through our Camp Registrar.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries sponsors 6 family-oriented retreats: Mother & Daughter (May), Father & Son (June,optional 2nd weekend), Single Mom's Family Camp (July), Father & Daughter (August), Mother & Son (August).

Each retreat offers the parents and child(ren) opportunities to enhance relationships through scripture learning, outdoor recreation activities and just being in the presence of one another for a weekend.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Tilikum has year-round Retreat Center and conference meeting with hotel-style accommodations for up to 60 guests. Our rustic tent campsite is open June - September and accommodates up to 56 guests with the option to have meals catered or you provide your own. Our challenge course is an excellent teaching tool for many groups.

We customize your program to fit the specific goals and needs of your group, enabling you to get the most out of your experience. Summer camps run June-August for 10 weeks providing an experience in outdoor creation, building community, encountering God and transforming lives of children and adults (grades 1st to 12th).

We look forward to introducing ourselves to you further, please visit us at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries

There are 7 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):


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Adventure Treks
Oregon Location(s)

Visit Our Adventure Treks Website
PO Box 1321
Flat Rock, NC 28731

Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska, British Columbia

Watch Our Adventure Treks Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Teen Summer Adventure Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Adventure Treks’ summer camps for teens are all about making memories, fostering lifelong friendships, and creating more confident and capable young men and women. We want each of our students to discover their best selves, and we believe that the great outdoors is just the way to do it. Our commitment to creating a close-knit community is what sets us apart. Plus, our trips are technology-free, so students learn to “survive” (and even thrive!) without electronics.

Weightloss, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Hiking, Camping, Whitewater Rafting, Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Caving, Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Kayaking, Mountaineering, Canoeing, Ziplining, Inflatable Kayaking, Ice Climbing

Adventure Treks is a Top Leadership Summer Camp located in Flat Rock Oregon offering many fun and educational Leadership and other activities, including: Travel, Weightloss, Waterfront/Aquatics and more. Adventure Treks is a top Leadership Camp for ages: 12–18.

CAMP LOCATION: We operate 8- to 30-day fun adventure camps in WA, OR, CA, CO, ID, WY, AK, and BC!

CAMP FACILITIES: All trips begin at a designated airport. Students explore the most scenic and beautiful places in a particular region, and travel between activity sites in brand-new, 15-passenger vans. We spend each night in a tent, and students learn how to cook in the backcountry—with plenty of guidance from our instructors! They go backpacking, camping, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, ziplining, ice climbing, canoeing, sea kayaking, inflatable kayaking, mountaineering, and mountain biking.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Physical and emotional safety is our top priority.
Fun and exciting outdoor activities help teens grow and gain life skills and a greater sense of self. Our exceptional instructor role models take a sincere interest in the growth and development of young people. We inspire young people to develop a lifetime love of the outdoors and with a corresponding conservation ethic. We empower students to create an inclusive and reflective community that maintains a culture of kindness, sense of humor, and spirit of cooperation and volunteerism. We strive to be a sustainable and responsive business, with a focus on our families and the quality of our programs. We form long-term relationships with our students, their families, instructors, staff, and outfitters.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership Summit (for 11th and 12th graders) is the perfect opportunity to strengthen leadership skills for roles in the outdoor industry starting in college.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid available to several students a year, based on need and merit. Email info[AT] for more information.

See all dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:

Our instructor role models:
- Average age is 27 (minimum age is 21)
- All college graduates
- At minimum, all are medically trained as wilderness first responders. However, many more have additional certifications.
- Significant experience working with teenagers in the outdoors
- Clean driving record

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Adventure Treks

There are 6 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Silverton, Oregon

Visit Our Canyonview Website
13000 Finlay Rd. NE
Silverton, Oregon 97381

Watch Our Canyonview Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Horse Camp, Paintball Day Camps, Wilderness Camps, Day Camps, Teen Camps

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Girl Scouts, Heritage Girls, 4-H, FFA

Basketball, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Paintball / Airsoft

CAMP LOCATION: All of Bible Teaching Inc's ministries are located on the grounds of Canyonview Camp. Canyonview Camp is located three miles south of Silverton in the foothills of Oregon's Cascade Mountains on eighty-three acres of rural land overlooking the beautiful Willamette Valley. The property features Drift Creek, two man made reservoirs, large open fields, a variety of trees, and abundant wildlife. It is conveniently situated one hour south of Portland and just fifteen minutes east of Salem, the capitol city of Oregon.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our main camp offers 8 cabins with bathroom and shower facilitates, a 4 room motel style housing with restrooms, a dining hall and meeting area with room 150, an indoor basketball court and recreation room, rustic amphitheater, a swimming lake and fishing pond.

Our Horsemanship camp provides 4 indoor cabins inside a lodge, with a dining room and meeting area. The camp also provides two full equestrian arenas, one training arena, and the other a riding arena.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: CCCA Member since 1966
CHA Certified
First Aid and Life Guard Certified.
Certified Pastry Chef
Certified Chef Educator

Canyonview Camp and Ministries was founded in 1953 as Bible Teaching Inc. by Ernie and Fern Campbell. Starting with 64 acres of land, their dream was to start a ministry that would allow people of all ages to hear the truth of the Gospel. Ministries included radio broadcasting, a Bible college, a printing press, and finally a Christian camp. With each of these ministries, Canyonview's emphasis has been and always will be

“Speaking the Truth in Love."

Canyonview will continue as a trusted partner in the evangelical community to bring hope and healing to a hurting world through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

With a biblical foundation, Canyonview provides a safe outdoor environment, spiritually vibrant programs, and practical leadership training to impact youth, adults, and families in the local community and beyond.

Our Programs
Day camps provide local churches with full programs for elementary school children as well as skilled, caring counselors, nutritious snacks, Bible times, songs, and an entertaining evening for families.Youth camps promote the knowledge of God through His creation, hands-on activities, Bible instruction, and loving counselors.

Canyonview Equestrian College transforms a God-given love for horses into a broad base of equine knowledge and skill with a focus on Christian ministry.

Horsemanship camps and weekly riding lessons and provide hands-on experience with horses through grooming and riding, integrated with the principles of God's Word.

TIMs (Teens in Ministry) hear God’s Word and have the opportunity to apply what they hear by serving in camps, kitchen, and grounds maintenance alongside like-minded peers.

Canyonview Retreat Center provides cozy cabins and meeting areas, delicious and nutritious meals, and an array of recreational opportunities, in an environment away from the noise and distractions of everyday life.

Internships involve future leaders in the hands-on tasks of Christian camping—planning, counseling, event hosting, and food service—supplemented with classes on Bible, counseling, and ministry.

Volunteers impact lives by utilizing their God-given abilities to serve others.

Outdoor schools bring area elementary schools to our forested grounds, where our counselors teach outdoor skills, sing camp songs, and play games for an unforgettable camping experience.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Teen In Ministries: TIMs are paired with a member of our counseling staff or of the TIM Leadership staff. Together they love the campers with God's love and serve the camp. TIMs are given different duties depending on what area of camp they are working in. TIMs may rotate between being paired with a group of campers at horse camp, day camp, or overnight camps, or participating on the Service Team--a group of TIMs and leadership staff who minister to our guest groups and other areas of need around the camp.


At least 14 years of age, and no older than 17. If you are going to be in high school next year, you qualify.
A strong believer in the the Word of God and a personal relationship with Christ.
A desire to serve God in whatever ministry opportunities you are placed.​
A great attitude and ready to have a wonderful time!
TIMs work a 3-4 week session during the summer in different areas of camp to be a light in our community.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: email info[AT] for more info on "Camperships"

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our Horsemanship Fellowship rides go throughout the school year, our disc golf course is the highest rated courses in the state. Our 2.78 acre woodsball Paintball field and Speed Ball field go throughout the year on reservation and open games on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. We have Mother-Daughter Horse retreats and Father-Son weekend retreats through the year as well as guest groups that can reserve our camp.

Day Camps run 9 weeks of the summer
Overnight camps run 5 weeks of the summer
Horsemanship Camps run 11 weeks of the summer.
For all other camp info and pricing, please go to our website at Our Camp Website Link:

Summer counselors, kitchen staff, ranch hands, riding instructors, and REC staff are a huge part of our ministry during the summer. We hire around 25 counselors, 5 lifeguards, and many hands in the kitchen, and 45 TIMs (Teens in Ministry) throughout the summer, so approximately 100 staff each summer.

Internships involve future leaders in the hands-on tasks of Christian camping—planning, counseling, event hosting, and food service—supplemented with classes on Bible, counseling, and ministry. It is a 2 year program and normally have 3-5 interns each year.

Volunteers impact lives by utilizing their God-given abilities to serve others.

Please go to Our Camp Website Link: for applications and available jobs!

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There are 5 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Summer Music Camps at UO for High School Musicians
Eugene, OR

Visit Our Summer Music Camps at UO for High School Musicians Website
(541) 236-2393
961 E 18th Ave
Eugene, OR 97403

CAMPER AGES: Entering High School-Graduating Seniors. Jazz Improvisation Camp requires an audition but accepts middle school students

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Week-long, option to stay in UO dorms

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Music/Band, and more. Leadership

CAMP LOCATION: We are right on the University of Oregon campus in the School of Music and Dance. Eugene is a beautiful college town covered in trees and soaked in sunshine during the summer.

CAMP FACILITIES: University of Oregon dorms, two twin beds in each room, buffet-style dining hall catering to a wide range of food needs, practice rooms in the school of music and in dorms, lockers, rec-center pool. Building and rooms locked, only 2nd floor and higher.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Summer Music Camps [AT] UO are three camps dedicated to the developing high school musician. Come join us in Eugene, OR for the opportunity to work with University of Oregon School of Music & Dance faculty, make life-long friends, and reach a higher level of musicianship!

The University of Oregon Marching & Leadership Camp is a dedicated place where drum majors, section leaders, color guard, and percussionists come to learn and grow. Enjoy a week where motivation, marching, and teaching strategies become one. Come join the Oregon Marching Band instructors, drum majors, and other exceptional educators.

The Concert Band Camp is a place where woodwind, brass, and percussion players (of all levels) come to be nurtured and grow as musicians. Come join our week of large- and small-ensemble instruction, master classes, elective courses, guest performers, and performances.

The University of Oregon Jazz Improvisation Camp is for instrumentalists wanting to develop skills in the art of improvisation. The camp is designed for musicians with all levels of improvisation experience. Steve Owen, director of the award-winning Jazz Studies program at the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, and a team of the region's finest jazz artists and educators work with students at this week-long, work-intensive camp.


CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Merit-based and diversity scholarships are available. Early registration discount of $75 if registration is completed by March 31.

Marching and Leadership Camp (July 7-12)
Sixty-Seventh Annual Concert Band Camp (July 14-19)
Jazz Improvisation Camp (August 10-15)
$595 - tuition, room, all meals, t-shirt
$495 - tuition, lunch, dinner, t-shirt
$395 - tuition, t-shirt

Scholarships and discounts available.

Interested in being a camp counselor? Contact the camp director, Dr. Tim Paul at paulta[AT]

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Summer Music Camps at UO for High School Musicians

There are 4 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Young Musicians & Artists (YMA)
Salem, OR

Visit Our Young Musicians & Artists (YMA) Website
YMA at Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301

Off-season address:
YMA Office
1137 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97205

CAMPER AGES: 10 - 18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 2-week residential arts program

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Young Musicians & Artists (YMA) is a fast-paced and exciting two-week sleepaway camp for young artists, ages 10-18. This life-changing arts experience includes challenging classroom work within a positive, encouraging environment, and world-class instructors who want to give you the skills to improve within the space to be your authentic self. Feedback we get? YMA kids count down the days for 50 weeks until they can be back at YMA again! Visit the YMA website to register...and join us at YMA 2016, visit Our Camp Website Link:

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Volleyball, Team Sports, Academics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: YMA is located on the beautiful Willamette University campus in Salem, Oregon, less than an hour's drive south of Portland. Students are housed in male and female college dorms, use the university classrooms, art studios, gallery, auditoriums and music studios, and work with professional artists and world-class instructors during each two-week session. Please visit our website to see lots of camp photos and video of recent camp sessions.

CAMP FACILITIES: Separate male and female dormitory buildings (2-4 to a room), five campus classroom buildings, Smith Auditorium, Mary Stuart Rogers music center, Hudson Hall auditorium, tennis courts, sports fields (soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, badminton, 4-square), indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, outdoor dance square and two amphitheatres.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Visit the YMA website for more information at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The YMA Leadership program includes a training and mentorship program designed for older students who have finished the 9th grade. All high school students are YMA Counselors in Training (CITs), and have many opportunities to learn from the high school and college camp counselors on the staff, as well as daily leadership classes with the top camp administrators. CITs also have privileges and duties during the camp session, and are the group from whom the YMA counselors are chosen the following summer. For more information about the CIT or Counselor position at YMA, contact the YMA Director of Student Life, Galen Cohen. Email: Galen[AT]

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: YMA does offer scholarships and financial aid on a limited basis to eligible students. For more information, contact YMA at: office[AT]

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: YMA is celebrated its 50th year in 2015. There are YMA events scheduled monthly throughout the year, and in addition to the summer camp sessions, new YMA activities and events are going on. To find out more, visit the YMA website, at Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: YMA Website: Our Camp Website Link:
YMA Camp Director: Galen Cohen, Galen[AT]

Session 1: Music - $1750/session (Band, Choir, Orchestra, Piano, Guitar, Jazz Intensive, YMA Concerto Soloist competition) June 19 - July 1, 2016. Session 2: Arts - $1750/session (Dance, Theatre, Creative Writing, Visual Arts, Songwriting, Musical Theatre, Digital Photography) July 3 - 15, 2016. Visit our website to register at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Young Musicians and Artists YMA

There are 3 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

B'nai B'rith Camp
Otis, OR

Visit Our B'nai B'rith Camp Website
Otis, OR 97368

9400 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Blvd #147
Beaverton, OR 97005

Watch Our B'nai B'rith Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

PJ Library
PJ Our Way

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: B’nai B’rith Camp, a Jewish community camp located on the Oregon coast, serves children and adults of all ages and various denominations. Based in Jewish values and open to everyone since 1921, BB Camp is a home away from home for many generations of children in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington and British Columbia) because of its unique camaraderie. We provide safe, nurturing and fun experiences in a welcoming environment that inspires individual growth and enduring Jewish identity.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Our Inclusive Philosophy: BB Camp is proud to be a boundless Kehila (community) of different ages, denominations, backgrounds, languages, and abilities. When you’re part of a community like this — one that accepts, and encourages everyone’s strengths — it’s life changing. Campers and staff learn about themselves, relating to others, form a family of friends they’ll have for life, and of course, have a lot of fun along the way!

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Hydro-Tubing
Stand Up Board
Climbing Tower
Ropes Course
Surfing Program-

B nai B rith Camp is a Top Leadership Summer Camp located in Otis Oregon offering many fun and educational Leadership and other activities, including: Baseball, Adventure, Travel and more. B nai B rith Camp is a top Leadership Camp for ages: 4 - 16.

CAMP LOCATION: Nestled along the shores of Devil's Lake and only a few minutes away from the magnificent Oregon coast, B'nai B'rith Camp is an idyllic place to spend a summer. With temperatures averaging 70 degrees and sunny dry days, our location provides an ideal environment to unplug and enjoy the outdoors.

CAMP FACILITIES: Your camper will be warm and comfortable with their cabin-mates overnight in heated NEW double cabins with bathrooms inside. All cabins are within very short proximity to new shower buildings. The cabins sleep approximately 18 campers per cabin, and are divided by gender between the North and South sides of Camp.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: BB Camp’s youth-centered summer camps and year round programs for all ages build communities and offer exceptional leadership development. We strive to teach the values and ethics of Jewish living by example, experience, and creative expression.

B’nai B’rith Camp has consistently proven to be a great place for youth to learn about themselves, their identity, their environment, and how to relate to others. B’nai B’rith Camp is owned/operated by the B’nai B’rith Mens Camp Association, a JCC-affiliated Camp, licensed by the State of Oregon, and accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA).

Who We Are: B'nai B'rith Camp, a Jewish community camp, serves children and adults of all ages and various denominations. Based in Jewish values and open to everyone since 1921, B.B. Camp is known as a home away from home for many generations of children because of its unique programming and camaraderie. We provide safe, nurturing and fun experiences in a welcoming environment that inspires individual growth and enduring Jewish identity.Our youth centered summer camps and year round programs for all ages build communities and offer exceptional leadership development.

Our goals for campers include: Learning the values and ethics of Jewish living, Increasing self reliance, Developing new skills; helping young people grow in a responsible, mature manner. Creating a democratic group experience within a Jewish atmosphere, Building friendships for life, and Just plain old having fun!

Activities Include: Swimming, hydro-tubing, Judaic enrichment, teva (nature), creative arts, singing, theater, arts & crafts, athletics, Israeli culture, ropes course, canoeing, day trips, water skiing, paddle boarding, overnights under the stars, dance, tennis, Shabbat celebrations, and so much more!

Our Staff: We provide a carefully selected staff based on their ability and love of working with children, as well as their skills in supervision, leadership, and positive role modeling. Our program specialists in Jewish enrichment, creative arts, athletics, Israeli culture, aquatics and outdoor adventure enrich our camp program as they share their enthusiasm and expertise in these areas.

Our professional Leadership Team supervises and assists counselors in providing a wide spectrum of experiences to form a well rounded program. All staff participate in a week long intensive pre-camp training program as the final step in becoming B'nai B'rith Camp Staff.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: L.I.T.- Leaders in Training: 10th
Teens acquire leadership skills while learning middot (Jewish values) and performing mizvot (good deeds). Includes a rock climbing trip to Smith Rock.

Session 1: Tzedek Program ( entering 11th & 12th graders)- 3 week program
Campers will embark on a journey of service learning seen through a Jewish lens. Campers will take part in tikkun olam community service projects and social action initiatives, both locally and at Camp. Our learning will range to include projects relating to poverty, education, inclusion, and the environment. Campers will leave the program with leadership skills, volunteer experience, and a deeper understanding of the issues our society faces.

2nd Session: O.J.A. – Outdoor Jewish Adventure: 11th

Through experiencing Judaism in the wilderness, teens will discover spirituality and the wonder of nature in a Jewish context. Campers will spend their time backpacking, camping, sea kayaking, mountain biking, learning primitive skills, tracking animals, identifying edible plants, and so much more. Locations are currently scheduled to include the Wallowa Mountains area, paragliding, NW Washington Coastal region, the Ape Caves and a summit attempt.

Session 2: Staff in Training (entering 12th graders)- 4 week program
The Staff in Training program, a volunteer opportunity, is a selective program available to those entering 12th grade. Interested candidates must apply and interview for the program. Applications can be requested through Ben Charlton, Camp Director, at bcharlton[AT] Spaces are limited. Designed to bridge the gap between camper and staff years, those admitted to the program will learn leadership and counseling skills through experience-based activities, educational workshops, group-oriented discussions, and living and working with a cabin of younger campers.

Incentive Grants (only one grant per session allowed):
B’nai B’rith Men’s Camp Association and the Foundation for Jewish Camping have generously provided Incentive Grants so that as many kids as possible can benefit from a rich Jewish camp experience. These grants are available to all first time Jewish campers regardless of ability to pay. These grants are not need based.

For more information contact Allison Kaufman at akaufman[AT] or 503-535-3514.

Dor L’Dor Maccabee Session Grant (2nd-5th grade)
Grant: $500 off camp fees!

To qualify:

First time Jewish camper
Entering 2nd-5th grade in the fall
Registered for B’nai B’rith Camp’s Maccabee Session (one-week session)
Cannot be combined with PJ Goes to Camp grant
Click here to register for Camp now – no additional grant application required

Dor L’ Dor Maccabee 2 Grant (3rd-8th grade)
Grant: $700

To qualify:

Jewish Camper
Enrolling in a 12 day or longer session for the first time
Entering 3rd-8th grade in the fall
Registered for B’nai B’rith Camp’s Maccabee 2 Session
After registering for camp, go to One Happy Camper to apply

Dor L’ Dor Session 1 or 2 Grant (3rd-11th grade)
Grant: $1,000

To qualify:

Jewish Camper
Enrolling in a 12 day or longer session for the first time
Entering 3rd-11th grade in the fall
Registered for B’nai B’rith Camp’s Session 1 or 2
Cannot be combined with PJ Goes to Camp Grant
After registering for camp, go to One Happy Camper to apply

PJ Goes To Camp Grant
Grant: $1,000 for a 3 or 4 week session | $700 for a 2 week session

Jewish families who have participated in the PJ Library program including older and younger siblings and children who have “aged out” of the program (alumni)
First time Jewish campers that plan to attend one of BB Camp’s 3-week sessions
Camper must have participated in the PJ Library program in order to qualify for funding for the Summer sessions
Cannot be combined with Dor L’Dor Grant
After registering for Camp, contact pjgtc[AT] for information on how to apply

Thanks to our friends at High Desert Bank, BB Camp can now offer bank direct financing for Camp fees. Contact Allison Kaufman at 503-535-3514 or the bank at (541) 848-4444 for more details. This program is just another way BB Camp is striving to help as many kids as possible have the life changing experience of a summer at BB Camp.

Financial Aid
We try to accommodate all those in need of financial assistance. Please complete the online Camp registration form and submit your deposit for summer camp. The deposit is refundable if the camper is unable to attend Camp for financial reasons. Cancellations must be made in writing to the Camp Office within 14 days of receiving notification. After registration a Financial Aid Application will be emailed to you along with instructions of submission. Please contact Allison Kaufman, Operations Director, at 503-535-3514 with questions.

Campership Donations:
Many families cannot afford full camp fees. Help send a child to camp! Any amount over your camp fees will automatically be applied toward camp scholarships. Todah Rabah – Thank you!!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have many activities in Portland, OR during the year and we run a Family Camp weekend seasonally. Please check our website for upcoming events.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We run events throughout the years for teens - Our Camp Website Link:

A Day Camp in Portland -

BBYO youth -

We also run a women's Camp (ReJewvenation) in September, a young adult camp (Last Day of Camp) in August and Family Camps seasonally. Check our site for updated information about these activities and more!

OTHER CAMP INFO: Join us for our AQUATICS program - BB Surfs is designed to offer campers a new opportunity for growth & exploration within the immersive Jewish community at BB Camp. We aim to encourage mindfulness and environmentalism through surfing, helping our campers become stronger advocates of tikkun olam (repairing the world). more info at

First Session
2-week program for rising 3rd-8th graders | June 30-July 13
By Sept 30, 2019: $2,097 | By Dec 31, 2019: $2,172
By March 31, 2020: $2,247 | After March 31, 2020: $2,297

3-week program for rising 3rd-8th graders | June 30-July 19
By Sept 30, 2019: $2,698 | By Dec 31, 2019: $2,798
By March 31, 2020: $2,898 | After March 31, 2020: $2,948

BB SURFS, 3-week program for rising 7th & 8th graders | June 30-July 19
By Sept 30, 2019: $3,458 | By Dec 31, 2019: $3,458
By March 31, 2020: $3,658 | After March 31, 2020: $3,708

4-week program for rising 9th & 10th graders | June 30-July 28
By Sept 30, 2019: $3,634 | By Dec 31, 2019: $3,759
By March 31, 2020: $3,884 | After March 31, 2019: $3,934

Outdoor Jewish Adventure (OJA) (3-week program for rising 11th graders)
June 30-July 19 $3,708

Maccabee Session
Maccabee one week program for rising 2nd-8th graders | July 21-July 28
By Sept 30, 2019: $1,296 | By Dec 31, 2019: $1,346
By March 31, 2020: $1,411 | After March 31, 2020: $1,461

Second Session
2-week program for rising 3rd-8th graders | July 30-August 12
By Sept 30, 2019: $2,097 | By Dec 31, 2019: $2,172
By March 31, 2020: $2,247 | After March 31, 2020: $2,297

3-week program for rising 3rd-8th graders | July 30-August 18
By Sept 30, 2019: $2,698 | By Dec 31, 2019: $2,798
By March 31, 2020: $2,898 | After March 31, 2020: $2,948

BB SURFS, 3-week program for rising 7th & 8th graders | July 30-August 18
By Sept 30, 2019: $3,458 | By Dec 31, 2019: $3,458
By March 31, 2020: $3,658 | After March 31, 2020: $3,708

4-week program for rising 9th & 10th graders | July 21-August 18
By Sept 30, 2019: $3,634 | By Dec 31, 2019: $3,759
By March 31, 2020: $3,884 | After March 31, 2019: $3,934

Outdoor Jewish Adventure (OJA), 3-week program for rising 11th graders
July 30- August 18 $3,708

Full Summer Program (for rising 3rd-10th graders) | June 30- August 18
By Sept 30, 2019: $6,127 | By Dec 31, 2019: $6,252
By March 31, 2020: $6,477 | After March 31, 2020: $6,652

Session Breaks (for Campers staying multiple sessions)
Session Break 1: July 19-July 21
Session Break 2: July 28-July 30
By March 31, 2020: $265 | After March 31, 2020: $275

Summer Shabbaton Weekend | August 14-16 $150

Staff In Training Program (for rising 12th Graders)
Please contact Zach “Purple” Rattray, Assistant Camp Director, at zrattray[AT] for more information.

For complete summer job info, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Bnai Brith Camp

There are 2 Top Oregon Leadership Camps Below

Avid4 Adventure
Oregon Location(s)

Visit Our Avid4 Adventure Website
2805 Wilderness Place
Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301

We have multiple day camp locations throughout the Front Range of Colorado (12); Bay area of California (9), Minneapolis, Minnesota; Portland and Bend Oregon; and Seattle, Washington.

Our overnight camps are located in Orinda, California; Bailey, Evergreen and Boulder, Colorado.

2805 Wilderness Place #100
Boulder, CO 80302

Watch Our Avid4 Adventure Video

CAMPER AGES: Day Camps: Pre-K- 5th grade; Overnight Camps: 1st - 12th grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Day Camps: Monday - Friday, 9-3pm *Extended Care Available. Overnight camps: 4 day to 2 week sessions

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Experience the power of authentic outdoor adventure this summer! Avid4 Adventure summer camps teach pre-K – 12th graders of all levels to climb, paddle, bike, hike and thrive in the outdoors. With help from our time-tested curriculum and experienced instructors, we give campers solid outdoors skills and character-shaping confidence they can use at camp and beyond, launching them into a lifetime of empowering adventure.

Horses/Equestrian, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Backpacking, Hiking & So Much More!

CAMP LOCATION: Avid4 Adventure offers multi-sport day camps along the front range in Colorado and the Bay Area in California, as well as overnight camps and Teen Leadership Programs in Bailey & Evergreen, Colorado.

CAMP FACILITIES: Overnight camp locations at Windy Peak & Mt. Evans are in gorgeous locations in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado.

Our facilities have the look and feel of the quintessential sleep-away camp, complete with great and healthy food, comfortable lodging and plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. Camper loging are all single-sex and staff supervised. Our Head Chef has an advanced culinary degree and a passion for healthy eating, oversees a professional staff that cooks up delicious meals and accommodates food allergies and other dietary requests (such as vegan and gluten-free).

We also have teen travel Expedition programs for 5th-12th graders where campers sleep in tents every night and adventure every day with drop off locations in Boulder, Colorado and Orinda, California.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Avid4 Adventure offers multi-sport day camps along the front range in Colorado and the Bay Area in California, as well as overnight camps and Teen Leadership Programs in Bailey & Evergreen, Colorado. Camps are fun and inspiring with activities that include Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Kayaking, Canoeing & much more!

Overnight camps also include Whitewater Rafting, Fly Fishing, Whitewater Rafting, Archery, Tree Climbing, Horseback Riding and Backpacking Expeditions. Day Camps for grades Pre-K-5th grade, Overnight Camp for grades 1st-8th and Teen Leadership Training for grades 9-12th. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

American Camp Association Accredited.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Staff-in-Training programs

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Avid4 Adventure is accepting application to our Financial Assistance program: Our Camp Website Link:

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: to see specific details regarding dates and times.

We are seeking applicants that have a passion for kids and interests & experience in some or all of the following activities: hiking, biking, rock climbing, SUPing, canoeing, kayaking, overnight expeditions and outdoor education.

We were voted to the Outside Magazine Bests Place to Work for four years in a row!

Working with Avid4 Adventure, you will help inspire budding outdoor enthusiasts and become part of an incredible team of adventurers. Each summer, we hire Instructors, Camp Leadership, Facilities and Kitchen staff. 

Check out all available positions at our Avid4 Adventure Jobs page, and click through to our Online Application at Our Camp Website Link:

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Avid4 Adventure

OR Leadership Camp Parents & Campers

Other Oregon Special Interest Summer Camps You Might Like to Know About...

Looking for Other Top Specialty Camps in Oregon? Here's a few links to other directories of OR Special Interest Camps, or you can find links to ALL our Special Interest Camp Directories in the black bar at the bottom of this page.

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There is 1 Top Oregon Leadership Camp Below

Oregon Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Oregon
Cascade Pacific Council
2145 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, Oregon 97201

Crater Lake Council
3039 Hanley Road
Central Point, OR 97502
(541) 664-1444
(800) 888-1273

Klamath Falls Service Center
1819 Manzanita Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 882-4611

Bend Service Center
Powers Professional Building
61383 South Hwy 97 Suite F
Bend, OR 97702
(541) 382-4647

Eureka Service Center
1007 Wood Street
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 443-8345

Visit the website for more info.

Oregon YMCA Camps
YMCA Camps in Oregon

3001 SE Oxbow Parkway
Gresham, OR 97080

Visit our website for more information.


OREGON LEADERSHIP CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Oregon Summer Leadership Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

OREGON LEADERSHIP CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER LEADERSHIP CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Oregon Summer Leadership Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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State-by-State Directories of
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Updated: May 24, 2018

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