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Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Wingdale, New York

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Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
91 Ramah Road
Wingdale, New York 12594

Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
25 Rockwood Place, Suite 345
Englewood, NJ 07631

Watch Our Camp Ramah in the Berkshires Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Ramah balances structure and creativity, competition and teamwork, organized specialties and optional activities — all within a safe, nurturing, Jewish environment. The rich and varied programs offer campers the opportunity to grow, learn, develop skills, and make new friends as they connect to their Jewish heritage. All of this happens in a bucolic camp environment on over two hundred acres in lower Dutchess County.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 70 miles north of New York City on over 200 beautiful acres. Please visit our website for amazing camp photos and videos.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The athletic program includes team sports and individual challenges. From basketball, softball, soccer and Frisbee to tennis, archery, biking and yoga, Ramah offers activities for all interests and skill levels. Older campers have the option to compete against other camps in varsity and junior varsity programs. They can improve their skill by learning from experts in our "Coaches-in-Residence" program. Yom Sport provides everyone with a day of friendly competition at all skill levels. We also offer a four day intensive sports clinic.

Ramah Berkshires campers enjoy swimming, boating and water play on beautiful Lake Ellis. The Red Cross certified waterfront staff instructs and guards our daily instructional swim periods, as well as free swim times. For older campers, we offer a lifeguard training certification. Our water trampoline, slide, "blob" and "Summit" add to the fun on the waterfront. Campers enjoy learning to kayak, canoe, and sail on the lake. Older campers have opportunities to participate in overnight boating adventures, as well.

Summer camp is about the great outdoors, and there's plenty of that at Ramah! Our Al Hagova specialists are trained to teach environmental values to campers through overnights and nature walks. Older campers experience multi-day bike trips and hiking trips. Campers of all ages look forward to "flying" through the air on our zip-line, or mastering climbing skills on our rock wall. Groups of campers learn to bond and cooperate while on our ropes course or hiking up Ramah Mountain. Our in-camp mountain bike trail is used by campers of all ages.

Jewish music and dance are keys to our program! Campers learn classic Israeli dances and songs, as well as modern pop tunes. Among the highlights of the summer are the Zimriyah (camp–wide song festival) and Rikudiah (dance festival). Drama specialists offer workshops in dramatic techniques and skills. Many camper edot (divisions) perform a musical play in Hebrew. Interested campers can opt for drama workshops. Those campers who love to sing can be part of our a cappella groups. Our staff and older camper a capella group performs each Friday evening, setting the mood as Camp ushers in Shabbat.

Experienced artists and art teachers transmit their love of arts and crafts and fine art throughout the summer. From painting, sculpting and papier mache to jewelry-making, woodworking and tallit-making, campers are introduced to a wide-range of activities and have the opportunity to hone their skills in areas of special interest. At various times during the summer, visiting artists share their specialties with our campers.

The multi-media center enables campers to explore photography, radio and film-making. Interested campers can improve their photography skills as they document the summer in pictures. They can anchor their own radio show on Camp's radio station, Kol Ramah (Voice of Ramah), that broadcasts throughout Camp. They can even film, direct, edit and produce movies under the guidance of our videography staff.

Interwoven into all aspects of camp life are Conservative Jewish values and Ahavat Yisrael, love of Israel. Campers participate in age-appropriate and meaningful daily prayer. Jewish learning factors into all aspects of the daily schedule, from sportsmanship to the Jewish view of saving the environment.
Integral to the Ramah community is the Mishlachat, educators and support staff from Israel who work in all aspects of camp life. They provide campers with a taste of Israel, exposure to Hebrew language, and an understanding of current events in the Middle East.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our oldest campers, entering eleventh grade in our Gesher division learn important leadership skills, spending time as counselors in training (CIT) by helping our youngest campers with their daily activities. These campers receive specialized training from the Ramah Staff, as well as on-going instruction from visiting specialists during the summer. This last year, Gesher—meaning bridge—allows these campers to envision themselves as models and leaders to younger campers.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We are committed to ensuring that no eligible camper is turned away due to financial hardship and to providing a Ramah experience for any camper who might not otherwise have been able to become part of our Ramah family. Camp Ramah offers financial assistance to campers and serves the Jewish community in cooperation with local synagogues and schools. The financial assistance process is strictly confidential. It begins with parents contacting their synagogue rabbi, educational director or other synagogue leaders. Please read about the process in our online application. Rabbi Resnick, our camp director, is available to assist parents in making the appropriate contacts.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Ramah in the Berkshires is the ideal location for your group to spend time together in a Jewish environment. Come experience the magic of “Ramah Shabbat” with your school, synagogue, or organization. Ramah Retreats also hosts B’nai Mitzvah, weddings, reunions and more. Our facility, only 70 miles from New York City, includes private "hotel-style" housing for adults to stay in the comfort of our newer facilities. All amenities can be tailored to meet your needs, and an onsite Ramah liaison is provided for every group to ensure the highest quality service during your stay.

OTHER CAMP INFO: For entering third graders, Ta’am Ramah (Taste of Ramah) gives first time campers an eight day “taste” of the Ramah experience, guided by nurturing, experienced staff for this first time sleep-away camp experience. Campers learn why so many children return to Ramah summer after summer and return home talking about next summer.

Camp has two sessions. The first session is approximately four weeks, while the second session is approximately three weeks. Campers entering 4th grade may only come for one session. Campers entering 5th through 8th grades may come for either one session or the entire summer. Campers entering 9th through 11th grades must attend for the entire summer.

Please refer to our website for Sessions, Dates & Fees.

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