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YMCA Camp Weona
Gainesville, New York

Visit Our YMCA Camp Weona Website
4025 Poplar Tree Road
Gainesville, New York 14066

301 Cayuga Road Buffalo, NY 14225

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CAMPER AGES: 7 to 16 years

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): YMCA Summer Camp (Accredited by the American Camp Association)

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At YMCA Camp Weona, campers have the opportunity to make friends, master new skills and gain independence.

Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Skill Tracks Include: • Kayaking/Canoeing • Archery • Rock Climbing • Mountain Biking • Fishing • Arts & Crafts • Culinary Arts • Field Sports • Drama • Horseback Riding Cabin Activities Include: • Swimming • Kayaking/Canoeing • Archery • Rock Climbing • Fishing • Arts & Crafts • Field Sports • Outdoor Climbing Tower • Indoor Climbing Wall • Camp Outs • Campfires • Skits, Plays & Dances • Games

CAMP LOCATION: Located just 45 minute from both Buffalo and Rochester NY in Wyoming County, NY (Western/Upstate NY) - Please visit our web site at Our Camp Website Link: and click on directions for specific summer and a different winter directions.

CAMP FACILITIES: Come spend the summer at resident YMCA Camp Weona and discover what dreams are made of in a place “where only good prevails.” With over a century of camping experience, and built on the Christian heritage of the YMCA, we value honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. YMCA Camp Weona offers both traditional and high adventure activities. Horseback riding through the forest, kayaking under the blue sky, making new friends, singing by the campfire, jumping into the refreshing pool, learning how to set up a campsite, fishing at the lake; each day is full of adventure. YMCA Camp Weona serves children 7 to 17 years old with exciting summer camp options for one, or two or more week stays. All campers live in one of 18 rustic bunk style cabins with shared restrooms facilities. Campers return home with increased self esteem, friendship building skills, and the ability to make good decisions on their own. You’ll find that your child will become better at meeting and getting to know people and will learn to take positive risks at learning new things.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We pride ourselves in selecting staff that are role models of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. As a result, the YMCA Camp Weona culture and setting are safe, fun, and enriching physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. We recruit from local high schools and colleges, as well as all over the country and around the world. All staff participate in an intensive week-long residential training that includes safety management, working with children in group settings, leading activities, camp policies and procedures, and child abuse prevention. Necessary staff members are lifeguard, CPR, and first aid certified as well as other nationally-recognized certifications. YMCA Camp Weona takes the health and safety of our campers very seriously.

We have a 6:1 camper-to-leader ratio which assures close supervision of all activities. During the summer session a fulltime health officer lives on site and a physician is on call 24 hours a day. Also, YMCA Camp Weona is certified by the New York State Health Department and has periodic inspections throughout the summer. YMCA Camp Weona is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA). ACA is a non-profit organization that member camps join voluntarily. For nearly two decades, YMCA Camp Weona has been a member of this organization and on a semi-annual basis is visited by ACA, which verifies that we are maintaining over 300 standards of operation in camping. These are industry standards and recognized by the government.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Building on the tradition of “super” leadership, the YMCA believes in growing our future leaders as well as enhancing our teen population’s skill base. Leaders in Training (LIT) is geared toward teens who are ready to test their leadership skills while working with younger campers. All LITs must demonstrate the YMCA’s core values, have a service mentality, and strong desire to learn and grow leadership skills. Participating as an LIT may count toward high school community service hours for graduation. Sessions for 15 year olds and older begin with two weeks; 15 year olds two weeks; 16-17 year olds with three weeks. Visit our LIT dates and rates on our web site Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: At YMCA Camp Weona, we believe that every child should have the chance to experience camp. The YMCA Strong Kids Campaign provides financial assistance to families within our community who are in need of financial support and may not have the ability to pay the full fee. Financial assistance is determined based on a thorough review of an application and a personal interview with the applicant. Assistance will be granted on the basis of financial need resulting from low income, emergency expenses or other circumstances that inhibit an individual’s ability to pay a prescribed fee. As part of our mission, we teach campers responsibility with an opportunity to Earn Their Way to Camp. Campers may choose to pay for part or all of their camp fees through the annual YMCA Camp Candy Sale which runs from January through July.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Redefine Family Time - We have something for every one - Whether you’re age two or 92, there’s something for you at YMCA Camp Weona! We have the perfect atmosphere to spend quality time relaxing and enjoying the outdoors together. Nestled in Wyoming County, camp offers nearly 1,000 acres of picturesque forests, lakes, hiking trails, babbling brooks, and rolling hills. Outdoor activities are planned throughout the day for the whole family to enjoy. We offer three family camps to choose from: • President’s Day Camp • Memorial Day Camp • Labor Day Camp

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: At YMCA Camp Weona, campers have the opportunity to make friends, master new skills, gain independence, all while being led by great cabin leaders who are outgoing, creative, positive role models on nearly 1000 acres of woods, trails and adventure while having a safe and FUN time “where only good prevails!”

OTHER CAMP INFO: YMCA Camp Weona is a “Group Work” Camp. At YMCA Camp Weona, our rustic cabins provide a home for small groups of no more than 12 campers who live together and attend daily activities as a group. Cabin groups are made up of either boys or girls entering similar grades and registered for the same camp program. Groups of 8-12 campers of similar gender and age attend daily activities together as a cabin with their leaders. The intention is to foster a “family-like” atmosphere within the group. Menu - Our back-to-basics menu is prepared each day in the dining hall. The YMCA offers items that children enjoy in their daily life that help sustain the additional energy needed during long days at camp. Our food service staff prides themselves on the fact that there are no trans fats in our meals. Special consideration is given for children who have allergies or prefer a vegetarian option.

Cabin/Bunk Mates - Campers may request a bunk mate within one school grade of each other, are of the same gender, and are registered for the same program. A bunk mate request is included in the parent pack and must be returned three weeks prior to attendance. Requests made after the three-week deadline may not be honored. In order to promote inclusion within each cabin, only one bunk mate request per child will be honored. (Bunk mates must be reciprocal – ex. John picks Tim and Tim must pick John.) Groups of four or more may be split to promote new camper inclusion.

Session's vary in length with First Experience Camps (just four nights for first timers) as well as Sunday through Saturday Traditional Camps; Weekends Stayover Camps for those older campers (11 and up) who wish to stay for longer periods of time. The choice is yours to best fit your family's summer plans. Visit our web site for dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:

Cabin Leaders and Activity Leader positions available for those 18 years and older.

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